i have a huge craving for potatoes right now. mashed potatoes especially. but i would also go for fries and wedges too though. hehe. wanna try to make the gravy. yatah now i'm googling about it. haha. then i found this website whether potatoes are good or bad for you. well potatoes are good as long as you prepare them in a healthy manner like boiled and baked potatoes. french fries and potato chips are not. ada extra fats in it. and ada acrylamides. a toxic substance that forms in starchy food when they are cooked in high temperature. ouch. tpaksa di tahan ne craving masa ane. hahaha. owh well. i'll eat healthy potatoes just to satisfy myself. hehe. here are some ideas to keep potatoes healthy and low in calories:
- served boiled potatoes with salsa or some broccoli and sprinkle about one ounce of shredded cheese on top
- make mashed potatoes with low-fat sour cream, skim milk and chives ( nyum~ i want i want!haha! )- potatoes cooked in the microwave do not contain acrylamides
- add potato slices (with skins) to soups and stews
okay enough with the potatoes. talking about it just making me wanting it more hahaha. anyways yesterday we had a presentation on our business plan to HSBC. good experience i must say. nervous berabis. hehe. but overall we had fun. thanks to sanah for being a great partner! had fun making the sandwiches. glad they liked it! bleh sudah kami buat business ne san hahaha. and not to forget thank you to ardi for his endless support and ideas. we owe u one! hehe :p
here are some photos on that day. walaupun ngaleh but glad it went well. thanks everyone! ;-)
before i go, wanna wish fieqah a very ...
1 Comment:
vegetarian gravy.. easy. u cud always substitute vegetarian broth to chicken stock + water. and probably skip the yeast to make the recipe easier :)
and btw mashed potatoes are really easy to make!!
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