Friday, May 22, 2009


i have a huge craving for potatoes right now. mashed potatoes especially. but i would also go for fries and wedges too though. hehe. wanna try to make the gravy. yatah now i'm googling about it. haha. then i found this website whether potatoes are good or bad for you. well potatoes are good as long as you prepare them in a healthy manner like boiled and baked potatoes. french fries and potato chips are not. ada extra fats in it. and ada acrylamides. a toxic substance that forms in starchy food when they are cooked in high temperature. ouch. tpaksa di tahan ne craving masa ane. hahaha. owh well. i'll eat healthy potatoes just to satisfy myself. hehe. here are some ideas to keep potatoes healthy and low in calories:

- served boiled potatoes with salsa or some broccoli and sprinkle about one ounce of shredded cheese on top
- make mashed potatoes with low-fat sour cream, skim milk and chives ( nyum~ i want i want!haha! )
- potatoes cooked in the microwave do not contain acrylamides
- add potato slices (with skins) to soups and ste

okay enough with the potatoes. talking about it just making me wanting it more hahaha. anyways yesterday we had a presentation on our business plan to HSBC. good experience i must say. nervous berabis. hehe. but overall we had fun. thanks to sanah for being a great partner! had fun making the sandwiches. glad they liked it! bleh sudah kami buat business ne san hahaha. and not to forget thank you to ardi for his endless support and ideas. we owe u one! hehe :p

here are some photos on that day. walaupun ngaleh but glad it went well. thanks everyone! ;-)

before i go, wanna wish fieqah a very ...


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

over and done

Glad the exam is now over. Finally end. 4 years in UBD. Sad to leave but it's about time to move on. Gonna miss it though. Friends. Lecturers. Class. Assignments? Maybe no hahaha anyways a lot of stuff has been going on for the past weeks. The exam ofcourse. Apart from that is ka memie's engagement. Pretty much busy with the preparing and studying. Banyak rupanya kan di panyap before the event hehe but it was fun! Thanks to everyone. And Congrats to Ka Memie & Dilah~ Semoga ke jinjang pelamin soon! haha :p

Joined FBEPS amazing race with aizah, arfah and lainy, as a team. Buang satiris before the exam haha It was really amazing! i had a BLAST! Syiok membuat the challenges and berlari lari mencari clues and all hehe Good job FSC! Keep it up~

Played bowling recently. Didn't do that well. So I'm learning on how to play properly now. Dulu main antam saja umban haha but I did manage to get a good score last few weeks. yatah kan di maintain kan ne hehe bah bila main bowling guys? :p

Celebrated Mother's Day last sunday. Had lunch together at Serusop and bought a cake for mummy. It was simple and fun. Love u ma! :-) Overall it was a very hectic month. So now I'm just relaxing at home enjoying my long holiday hehe and by the way, I received good news about one of my papers. Alhamdulillah. Really thankful for that. Thanks Dody! Happyyyyy~~ hehe

Most of all, I wanna thank him for his endless support. Thanks for your advice. And thank you for staying with me, dangar all my complaints. Happy to have you~ ;-)

Here are some shots taken during the past couple of weeks. Enjoys! hehe :p

Sis Memie & Dilah's Engagement

FBEPS Amazing Race and UBD Jogathon 2009

Random shots at UBD

gonna miss them alot...

Mother's Day Celebration

Great Night Out with him~ ;-)

The one who can always make me smile~