After much of waiting, the result was out yesterday afternoon! so congrats to all ubdians! Alhamdulillah i am really glad and thankful with my result.. will do better this final semester! :-) Anyways, there's nothing much i did lately.. just enjoying every little moment of my holiday before uni starts.. hehe.. i went out this afternoon with him, emmah and fendi.. we played some bowl then lepak for awhile.. back home at around 5pm.. planned to jog with fieqah but sadly hujan tia.. so right now just spending my night watching madagascar 2 with my siblings.. love the movie!! can't stop laughing!! hahaha!! :-p owh ya.. last tuesday i went to villa mauri restaurant at sg tilong for the first time.. and like it there! thanks to you!! i like it very much as it was with you.. *wink* well it's abit pricey though but the food was yummy! it was worthed! i've tried just one dish saja plang tapi i think the rest should be okay jua cos the pasta he ate pun sedap.. so yeahh.. and now i'm into italian tarus.. hahaha! so guys do try it there ya.. especially for italian food lovers! hehe mempromo skajap.. haha! :-p
before i go, wanna share some pictures.. just love to post pictures! hehehe!
with emmah.. happy to see her! ;-)kabum.. love the colour! haha! ;-)
that's all for now.. i'm going off to bed soon.. so good night people~~